This website presents Ashberry Strategic Land’s emerging proposals for a sustainable residential development at the Land to the West of Sibford Road, Hook Norton. The Site is comprises of 2.45ha of agricultural land.

This consultation is being held to share our current proposals for the site, and to obtain feedback to inform the scheme as it evolves. Ashberry Strategic Land would welcome your thoughts and suggestions as we shape our proposals. You can send us your comments via the online comments form at the end of this website.

Please see a copy of the Consultation Leaflet which was distributed to local residents. (BHD Creative apologise for the original typography error)

Alternatively, you can post your comments to us at:

Land West of Sibford Road, Hook Norton
Waterfront House
Waterfront Plaza
35 Station St

Please send us your comments by 20th December 2024.

Cherwell District Council will also notify local residents once the outline planning application has been submitted and this will provide a further opportunity for the local community to comment before determination.

About Ashberry Strategic Land

Ashberry Strategic Land is a land promoter and is owned by the experienced national house builder Bellway Homes Ltd. Both organisations have a history of delivering high quality residential developments across the UK.

Ashberry understands that residents will be keen to understand the proposals in more detail. This website and its content have been designed with that in mind and aim to explain the nature of the proposals and their unique benefits in providing a comprehensive response to meeting the housing of the village and wider District into the future.


The Council will consider planning applications in accordance its Local Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. Local Plans are Council documents that set out the amount and distribution of housing and other forms of development over a specific period.

The relevant documents Development Plan for the area are Cherwell District Council Local Plan 2011-2031, part 1 of which was adopted in July 2015. The adopted local plan sets out the Council’s planning strategy for the District up to 2031. In addition, Hook Norton has an adopted neighbourhood plan, dated October 2015.

Cherwell District Council is in the process of updating its planning policies in order to replace the adopted Cherwell Local Plan 2015 and saved policies in the Cherwell Local Plan (1996).

Cherwell District Council’s adopted Development Plan is dated. It does not respond to the most recent evidence on housing need and as such, further land is required than that allocated in the adopted Development Plan to address these acute needs. Hook Norton is a sustainable location for new residential growth as it is well served by existing services, facilities and public transport infrastructure. This is reflected in both the adopted and emerging local plans which classify it as a “Category A” village, the largest and most sustainable category of rural settlement within the District of Cherwell.